Ndis Housing : All Facts You Need To Be Aware Of
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a new way of supporting people with disability and their families. NDIS housing Melbourne designed to help you manage your daily living, social interaction and support your wellbeing. What is NDIS housing? The NDIS enables you to purchase the support you need to live an ordinary life. One of the supports that can be purchased through your plan is NDIS housing support, which provides assistance with finding and paying for a place to live. What does it mean when I say my local area agency can provide me with NDIS housing support? If your local area agency is administering your plan, they may be able to help you find and pay for a place to live. You should check in with them on this if you're interested in applying for this type of support as part of your plan's package. How does NDIS housing work? There are three ways that NDIS housing can be delivered: The NDIS provider can arrange for you to stay in your o...