Ndis Support Coordination: How Can They Help You?
The NDIS support coordination Melbourne is a massive, complex scheme that can be hard to navigate. It's designed to give you the support you need to live your life as independently as possible, but it's up to you and your care providers to do all the heavy lifting. The NDIS will pay for support coordination if you need it—but what exactly is it? And how can it help? The NDIS will pay for support coordination if you need it. The NDIS will pay for support coordination if you need it. Support coordinators are trained to help people with the NDIS, but they're also there to help their clients make informed choices about their health and wellbeing. If you think that having a support coordinator might be useful for you, it's best to speak with them during this time. Make sure to discuss how much time they would spend on your case - what tasks do they need to do? How many times will they meet with you? Where would these meetings take place? All of these things can affect ...